Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:14

'The Only Way Out Is In' - Author Komal Luthra on Manifesting Happiness from Within

With a concept as intriguing as this, there are questions that come in too, and I'm delighted that Komal is joining me today to help me figure some of these questions out. She's an avid reader and a nature enthusiast. Professionally, she's a content writer, a brand and communications specialist, and CSR expert, and she's a passionate believer in the untapped power that resides in the human mind. So it's great to have Komal join me today. Hello, Komal

#askanauthor #authorinterview #writing #booklovers

komal luthra
@Komal_luthra · 4:28
So this entire journey of experimenting and then writing the book, it changed me as a person in a lot of ways. When I thought about writing it was because the idea of knowledge is to share it. So when I learned that there is something as powerful as this which exists in the world, I realized that I should share it. It would be selfish not to share it with other people
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:20
Thank you so much for sharing that happiness is a habit cultivate it, said American philosopher Elbert Hubbard. Based on all the research and personal experiences that have helped you write this book, do you think there is indeed a secret source to happiness and fulfillment in life?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

komal luthra
@Komal_luthra · 4:34
So when our thoughts start taking instructions from our inside instead of based on what is happening in the outside world that is meant to naturally make one happy, there is just no doubt to it. It is supposed to make one feel completely blissful when you are taking instructions from the inside and from my personal experiences, one thing that has made me really happy in last some time is practicing gratitude. There are a lot of practices for personal development that you can do
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:30

3. Dealing with negative thoughts

Practicing gratitude as a way to being blissful from within. I think that's such a profound thought. Thank you for that. No matter how big or small our life's goals are, there's this one thing I think that really holds us back from going after them. With all our conviction, our own limiting beliefs or negative thoughts. So how can we reprogram our brain to cheer us on rather than pull us down as we pursue these goals?
komal luthra
@Komal_luthra · 4:42
One right before you sleep and two, the moment after you wake up because these two times your brain isn't theta state. So basically what happens is, you know, when we are about to sleep or the moment after we wake up, that critical filter between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is not existing. In those moments, we are able to communicate information to our subconscious mind directly
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:25
Thank you so much for sharing that. I think I'll leave you with one final question. So there's the practice of mindfulness. There's yoga and there are several other selfdevelopment practices for one to explore. But what, according to you, is the biggest difference between other selfdevelopment practices and the innate power of the subconscious mind?
komal luthra
@Komal_luthra · 4:40
If you just close your eyes and you are to conjure an image as to what yoga looks like, you will probably see that people are twisting their bodies into some impossible postures. The bone bending, the muscle knotting, that kind of a thing. It is changing these days. I'm in a lot of yoga studios, honestly, they are now also teaching breathing techniques and meditation processes as well. But how we will perceive those depends on our belief system
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:44

The Only Way Out Is In: A no-nonsense guide to creating your reality https://amzn.eu/d/9CtjkL5

Thank you so much for a warm and empowering conversation. Komal, your thoughtful responses have really given me so much to think about. So once again, thank you for taking the time out. I would love to have you back on Swell for more such interesting conversations around your work and about topics that you are passionate about. So once again more power to you. I hope to have you back on Swell really soon
