Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 4:16

I used to believe this as a child. I was so wrong...

So life is all about fighting, fighting well, but I didn't know. I used to think that everything is very simple. When my father used to say that making career and doing study is very important and making money is not easy. Earning money is not easy. Making career, all this. But I used to say why he is so scared and why he is talking like this. But later on, I feel definitely making career is not easy

#sdp24Apr19 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @rocio

Preethi J
@StoriesUnfurled · 0:55
And yet we again go through the process, because when we have children, we pass on this magic of life to them, in one sense, doing our best to protect them from all the scary things that life might offer, at least for some time. Very interesting to listen to your swell past
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:06
That when we grow up, we start understanding so many things that we feel we should have known when we were younger. But then, such is life. As long as, you know, when we grow up, we are able to understand what's happening and we are able to put things in motion. I think that is very important. And to learn the lessons that we should have learned earlier. But then, you know, it's never too late
