Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 4:59

Why having proud on nose

I have seen many people who walk with the proud on their nose. They have ego. Some of them have ego of their personality. Some are having proud on their nose of having intelligence. Some people think they are smart and they become everything they do show off but they are not able to be humble. That is a big problem of them. So many boys are there, so many girls are there. They are walking with unnecessary proud. They don't talk politely


Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:59
How insecure and how, how much of a coward you are. You know that you cannot face your fears, you cannot work through things, you cannot do anything, basically. And so you just go around boasting, I am this, I am that. When you are not that because you are not working through it, you are not healing, you are not trying to make yourself better and make the world around you better in any way. You're not helping
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:04
There are so many ways to you know, differentiate what is smart. To distinguish what is smart, you cannot limit by saying that you are smart and you are not. Because honestly, people who were labeled as dumb or something can turn out to be CEO's and millionaires and everything later in life. Just because they didn't do well in school doesn't mean they won't do well in life. And that is something to remember
