Rahul Dupare
@rahuldupare · 3:08

Self improvement reflection and mirriors

So every time when you go out now, you do a quick check in front of a mirror and you find out that whenever your hairs are not set properly, you set them up again. So, same applies here. Think of your life and the actions or the behavior that you have, like seeing it in a mirror. And every time that you go through a situation, take a pause, don't react too quickly. See what you've done prior when you were in a similar situation

Change comes from within only when you start to accept your shortcomings #life #personality #behaviour #swell

Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
You can't sit on the couch and pray for a job and then think that the job is going to come to you. You got to get out and look around. So I got out and I tried to do the spiritual opposite and it opened up some avenues for me. And I believe in a higher power
