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https://institute.r42group.com #AI #Longevity @ronjonnag

phil spade
@Phil · 1:30

How to Die Young at a Very Old Age - A Talk by Dr. Ronjon Nag

The R42 Group works with startups and scientists involved in some of the most cutting edge research at the intersection of biology and computer science, really trying to push the limits of human understanding of aging and longevity. For his talk today, Dr. Ronjon is going to help us make sense of some of the most recent advances in this field

#R42Longevity R42 Institute Longevity Talk Series on Swell. Lessons from the latest research in Longevity Science. #GiveATalk #Longevity

ronjon nag
@ronjonnag · 5:00
So there's two definitions to get off the table right now life span, which is a lifetime, the number of days you can live, and health span, which is the quality of life that you can live for. How long can you live at a very high quality of life? Now, there's really, really a couple of main theories on aging. One is we're like cars, and bits of us wear out and drop off, and we fix those bits one at a time
