Queen Untia B Bigelow
@QueenUntiaB · 0:58


Like, what's going on in your area with the youth, the city youth? And how do you think that we can band together to show these youth that there's something better, there's something different out there besides fast money, gangs and crime

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt @phil | One major change I noticed in my city/town this year...

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:43

#growth #cities #gang #youth

Like, we're all full of compassion and are able to have conversations. So part of me feels like we lead movements, but it's really difficult because I feel like the best solution is just people realizing that they're not alone, which can be either really hard or really easy to get across to people. I think you just need a really good group of people who are going out and doing things and educating and maybe a nonprofit, who knows? But something to that effect would really be beneficial
