Gab Tando
@PucaBear · 0:26

Music Sharing and Traveling via Sound

Okay. So I'm looking for new music. So I wanted to ask you guys, what's some music that you would recommend for me to listen to? It doesn't have to be in any type of language, and it doesn't have to be in any type of genre. I just want to know what's some nice music or some cool music that you guys recommend

#soundhealing #soundtraveler #frequencies #sharing #culture

Gab Tando
@PucaBear · 0:55

[Mc Davi - O Verao Esta Chegando] always makes me want to dance! 🤣 @hygge

Okay, this is great. I'm gonna listen to these right now. Actually, I was trying to find songs to share with you as well. They're not in my native language. The first song that I'm going to send you is in Portuguese. I don't speak Portuguese. I can maybe understand just a little bit, but not fully. The native languages that are spoke here in my house are English and Spanish
Gab Tando
@PucaBear · 0:19

[Aventura - Volví] / The song and words are 😭🤣 @hygge

Okay. The second song that I'm gonna send you, this one is in Spanish. It's by Aven Buda, but I'm going to go ahead and just put the title again like I did the first one one in the comments so that it's easier to just see it. Let me add it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Gab Tando
@PucaBear · 1:06

[Doja Cat - Get into it] / Video is in outer space 🤣 @hygge

So a lot of the themes of the songs in this album, I think maybe the videos for them kind of have to do with that. I actually really want you to watch the video for this one because I think it's really funny and it's also pretty interesting, like the futuristic vibe. And then it's all kind of like woman based or rolled over because obviously it's Planet Her. So, yeah, I'm going to go ahead and add that one to the comments
Gab Tando
@PucaBear · 0:26

@hygge I loveeeee LOVE SCORE 😭😭😭

Oh, my God. Prerona. Okay. I'm watching the video for the song that you sent me. It's not even over yet. And this is so cute. This is so cute. I love this song so much. Okay. So now we. Oh, I know. Okay. Wow. We're going to end up sending a bunch of songs because I'm going to finish listening to it. This is great. I like it already. The video is so cute
