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Fun and inspirational Tap & Talk Prompts on a wide range of topics. Use them for your own Swellcast or share with others. #SwellPromptBook

Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:29

8 Prompts for #PetStory

For all the pet lovers on swell. We have created this prompt book with eight tap and talk swell prompts to inspire you to share stories of your pets. Simply click the link that I have provided in the description, and then you can tap on any of the prompts from those eight prompts to tell your own pet story. And don't forget to click on hashtag pet story to see and listen to all of these wonderful pet stories. Worries. Thank you so much

#PetStory #SwellPromptBook https://s.swell.life/SU3ny2S6WYby4JO

Ethel Jones
@ChristmasJoyZ9 · 1:57

Lab story

And then my lab, when I went out, we had a nice porch. And when it was sunny outside, and I wanted to be outside, and I guess I took naps a lot. And so the lab would. Blackie was his name. He would lay on the porch on his side, and then I would just lay down on him and he would stay there until I was done taking my nap. So he was definitely my dog and devoted to me. And I loved having him
Tiffany Browning
@sparkles · 1:46

When you get a cat and name him Kitty

Although I will say Kitty is not a traditional cat because I think Kitty thinks he's a baby. Kitty likes it when I hold him. I have to almost carry him around like a little baby. He gets very jealous if I'm working on the computer. He gets on the keyboard. He gets me locked out sometimes
