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Fun and inspirational Tap & Talk Prompts on a wide range of topics. Use them for your own Swellcast or share with others. #SwellPromptBook

Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:42

#AuthorStory | A page for authors to share their writing & publishing journeys.

Writers on swell I am super excited to announce the launch of a new page, hash authorstory with interesting prompts to get writers talking about their writing and publishing journeys. Click on the picture or the link in the description to explore prompts that will have you spilling the beans on your writing process, inspirations and writing advice. Authors on swell have already been sharing juicy details around getting published, and we'd love for you to listen in and talk about your author journeys too. Do check out the page

https://s.swell.life/SUC0WSg9W0SfCED #SwellPromptBook

Jayne Carson
@wsjayne · 1:19
We can all write morning pages the artist way, Elizabeth Gilbert, just to name a few. And she kept going. Thank you for this. Are we writing a prompt? Happy Monday

The Allegiance

But the group is actually called the Allegiance, and it focuses on who we are faithful to. Is it the group, is it our friends? Is it to ourselves? Or are we being faithful to someone that we're unaware of? And we kind of get sucked into an allegiance with something else? So that's the story. But thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to share it with you. And who knows? Maybe it will go from a short story to a novel
