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Fun and inspirational Tap & Talk Prompts on a wide range of topics. Use them for your own Swellcast or share with others. #SwellPromptBook

The Swell Team
@Swell · 0:29

AUTISM | Announcing a new prompt page

Hi, this is Debra, and I am announcing a new prompt page about autism, and I'm looking forward to the community building through these prompts. I'm linking the prompt page here, and you can click on that and also click on the image. And remember, if you have any prompts for this page that you'd like to share with us, there is a button for that. So looking forward to hearing these stories and these conversations. Thanks so much

#Autism #Neurodivergent link: https://s.swell.life/SU9TdHruSl7rVyn #SwellPromptBook

Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 0:43
And if they have any questions, my goodness, feel free to ask me. I am here for you and everyone and anyone I can help more than happy to do so. Hope everyone is having a good day. Bye
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:39


I really do. Let me know if I could support you in doing that. Just make sure you just use that link and it looks great in newsletters. Looks great everywhere. So I appreciate it. I hope that page really grows. Thanks for your appreciation
Jason Whitaker
@jason29171 · 5:00

Fjasonphoto.com patreon.com/jason29171

Well, I was thinking about being autistic and well, I have to admit that I have to say that I am, well, next month, next month I will have an appointment for an autism assessment to receive an official diagnosis. And I've been thinking about what my life will be. How will my life be different, how my life will be different after the assessment
Jason Whitaker
@jason29171 · 4:50

Fjasonphoto.com patreon.com/jason29171

And so I would like to do that, but I don't know where to start or how, like, where to start, how to start one of those two or both of those. But I'm kind of rambling. I know, and I don't remember
Miss.Es Mysteries
@MissEMysteries · 1:07


I'm so glad that this prompt is here. As someone with autism, it will be a great way for me to, you know, get out my experience, my story, and my struggle with autism. I think a lot of people with autism tend to feel as if they're not heard or as if their opinion doesn't seem to matter as much as everybody else's
