Good Vibez
@PracticalMagick · 1:36

Already Done To You

But what happens when those things are no longer a benefit? What happens when those words turn and come back for you? What happens when the things that you wish on other people are now happening in your life? That's going to be the result. Words have power. Words are spells. Words carry energy. And that energy goes on and on and on long after the words have been spoken or written

#karma #lowvibration #spell #curse #wordsarespells

Anurag Singh
@its_me_patel_ · 1:14
Hello. Hi. I completely agree with you. Now I understand the whole what we want to talk about, right? What we are doing, what we are posting, what we are speaking about. It must be good in a positive way because sometimes it returned to us, right? Yeah. Word having power, energy, it goes and on and on. First of all, thank you so much for sharing these valuable info
Satwik Behl
@satwikbehl · 0:53

the worst thing about the best thing ever~ #swellcast #collegevoiceindia

But I had this question for you is it safe to say that an activity to which we devote around six to 7 hours a day will have an effect on us? What do you think about it? And to add to this, who do we really hold responsible for all the trauma and all the mental illness that we through as we spot a negative comment on us?
Swastika Acharya
@Swasss · 0:40

#spreadpositivity #karma #nohate #bereal

Thank you so much for bringing this up on Swell. It hurts to see so many negative comments on a day to day basis. People just don't understand that harsh and negative words can truly hurt someone deeply. Especially in social media where people hide their faces and think they can get away with anything and everything. Not only only words, but our actions give away so much negativity. I sincerely hope that all the people that have faced this misery in their lives overcome it and shine through
Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 1:30
Hi. First things first. This is such a beautiful ideology, and this is such a beautiful turn of life. And you know, I've often heard people saying how actions are mightier than words, and actions speak more than words. But to be honest, it is always words that leave the imperative. You do something and you say something, something else. It doesn't work out. Especially when it comes to ugly words or words that leave a scar in your heart, right?
Nisha Bhardwaj
@Nisha4867kumari · 1:07

#swellcast #collegevoiceIndia #

We all know that while talking about words about someone that this can affect someone's health, mental health, this can affect someone's bond. But still, we do the same mistakes repeatedly over again and again. Why do we do this?
Nupur Chauhan
@Nupur_23 · 1:34
And sometimes people on whom this joke is being cracked upon, they do even laugh and do applaud it. So how do we know what is humor and what is not? What is exactly things that we should keep in mind while taking these things in a humorous way? And apart from that, it was such a great swell to hear that somebody is actually taking time and putting in efforts to point out these small very things that do become very big in future
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 1:45

#collegevoiceindia #swellcast

But I want to ask a question about how we can deal with a person who has a bad attitude online and if we are conversation with them and how do we can deal with that?
Jewel James
@Jewel2003 · 1:14
So people running behind money or running behind anything that could give them a profit, they always believe whatever they do, let them gain what they want. But the thing is, there is something called kavya. And kavya is like a boomerang. It can hit you back. And that's what we must keep in our mind. One day there will be a day of judgment where we must pay for our ah, good deeds and also sins
Nikita Majhi
@Nikitamajhi · 2:05

Cyberbullying must be stopped! We should not spend hate in social media.. #collegevoiceindia #poetofswell #swellcast #swellreply

Hi, good morning. I totally understand what you want to say and thank you for bringing a topic like this. And I find a lot of people on social media whom I can see trollers who lead very unhappy lives. Their soul of object in life is bringing down someone so they can feel good about themselves. Problem is, these people grieve attention and a lot of people, even celebrities, respond to them, making them revelent in spite of getting affected by them and being tempted, don't respond
reader 75063
@reader75063 · 2:26

#collegevoiceindia #swellcast #poetsofswell

And if you do good, good will definitely come back to you. But if you do things that discriminate people one day, that discrimination will hurt you. And some people don't realize that. It may not be immediate, but it will eventually happen. And they think that doing it now gives them a cheap thrill, gives them clickbait online, gives them a bunch of followers or a bunch of listeners or a bunch of viewers, a bunch of people who they think look up to them
Good Vibez
@PracticalMagick · 2:59


And me and people like me, kindred spirits, I'm sure you might even be one of those where it bothers you and hurts you more to confront someone and make them angry than it does to know that they're talking about you behind your back. So that's not one I have an answer for. I'm trying to figure out the same exact thing. So if I do come up with some kind of information, I will definitely let you know
Good Vibez
@PracticalMagick · 2:51


I definitely feel that the time that we devote to this medium has a lot to do with the things that we see and expose ourselves to. And I think we do have a large responsibility to kind of be aware of what we consume and how it makes us jewel as we're engaged aging in this activity. I think it's almost of equal importance for people to post things that aren't triggering and harmful when they can help it, perhaps leaving a disclaimer that this particular post or conversation may be triggering
Good Vibez
@PracticalMagick · 1:48


So I think we all just need to be aware of what we're doing with this media and what we're doing with being blessed to be alive during a time where we can learn, share and communicate with people anytime, anywhere, in a split second. I don't think we're being good stewards of the technology. Thank you for your reply. I appreciate you
Good Vibez
@PracticalMagick · 1:23


There is no way around it. So while you think something is funny to say, it's funny for a few minutes. You get a few laughs, some laughing, emojis, you think life is good? What about the impact that you've had on other people? And what if that person heard something, hurtful, internalized it and told it to somebody else, or shared the post with somebody else?
Good Vibez
@PracticalMagick · 2:00


Thank you for your reply and thank you for your question. I believe that most of us do something because we get something in return. There is some benefit, there is something that we get out of it. And what I notice is a lot of people who post negative things or projecting beliefs they have about themselves or people around them, those are people that are hurting, that are in pain, and they have no better outlet for their pain than to speak negatively of other people
Good Vibez
@PracticalMagick · 2:25


I watch comedy and I become aware of certain done and things that I don't like in certain comedians, also in certain shows they might do. And I just try to weave around the things that I can't control and surround myself with things that don't make me feel bad, don't make me feel ashamed, don't make me feel like I wouldn't want somebody to know that I saw this and I laughed at this
Reh Dogg
@RehDogg · 5:00

I would like to chime in and also say people online who try to cancel people, because of their political beliefs, are also part of the problem

But other than that, I don't generally do that. This platform here, I Swell, I have to say though, it does allow me to do that. And I have not run into any ugliness because of my religious belief and my political belief. So I like, swell because of that. But most other places, Twitter and the Facebook and instagram and the Youtubes of the world, I am not allowed to freely express myself
Sejal Sharma
@Sejal_Sharma · 1:24
Hello. How are you doing? I hope you're keeping well. And I'd just like to say that I agree with you on what you're saying, because I think that we as humans are sort of like mirrors. Everything that we say will come back to us because our words attract that energy, our thoughts attract that energy, and the universe provides for us. So when we talk about something negative, we get something negative in return
