Randall McKeown
@podpro63 · 2:11

Photography is a Passion

But I'm more of a landscape photographer now, and I take photos from my own joy. So I want to know, are you photographer, what equipment you use and what's your favorite type of photography like to hear from you

#Photography #Passion #Canon

Geoff W
@G_Off · 1:42
Hi, Randall. Thanks for posting. I'm an amateur photographer. I use a Canon D 3400 DSLR, and, yeah, I think there's some magic to photography. Obviously, it's a huge range of styles. There are a huge range of styles that fit within photography, whether you're doing product photography or nature photography, landscape photography, portraits, artistic photography, geometric patterns, whatever it may be
Randall McKeown
@podpro63 · 3:14

@G_Off # photography

Looking over the years I've done different types of photography. Started off, I guess in landscape, basically just going around, especially when I was younger. But then I got involved with the modeling group and started doing photo shoots with models, liked it so much and decided I'd open up my own agency, which I did didn't go over too well because I guess my idea was way ahead of its time
Dominic Contreras
@Cinimodphoto · 3:11
So Hello. My name is Dominic. Yeah, photography. I'm in the same boat. It's my passion. I grew up shooting film. I used to who use mostly point and shoots that I would find, of course. And then my dad's equipment and he usually had lots of Nikons, some Polaroid land cameras. As a matter of fact, I still have most of my old classic stuff, vintage cameras, including a camera that was from 1898
