Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 2:28

Trapped Mind

Can't they hear my cry for help? My throat. My throat is constricted. My mouth is dry. I can't see. I hear my ravaged breathing, my racing heart, blood pounding against my temple. Everything is giving in. I'm sinking. I'm sinking. I am raising my head, head thrown back, eyes wide open. I open my mouth to scream, but no sound escapes me. Body shaking, I draw in deep breaths

#pocketofstories #healing #trauma #wellness

Ranjit S Namli
@Namlirs · 1:32
And if that is a trap mind, I think theres still a sense of insecurity and a sense of negativity which comes out because of this. But then in the end when you said now im at a silence that gives a sense of serenity. So quite a confusing thought for a confused mind like me. I would say maybe it makes sense, maybe it does not. For what I have answered, do let me know. Thank you
Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 1:04


Everything feels like there's no escape, you know? And that's the feeling that I was trying to capture and portray onto this thought, this podcast. So your reaction is like, so lovely because this is what I was aiming at. But again, every individual has their own perspective, how they translate this piece into. So thank you for so lovingly responding back. I totally appreciate it. Thank you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ranjit S Namli
@Namlirs · 1:20


I just happened to be online and I saw this message on the swell and that's why it just cropped up. I heard the whole particular part. But it reminded me of rubayat. I don't know if you've heard or read or whatever by Rumi. And it says, between the known and the unknown there's a door. Or, you know, between the right or wrong there's a garden and we shall meet there, you know. Kahi na ka hi
Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 0:58


Oh yeah, I'm going to read it up, but I will find some online version of that and look it up. But I really love what you said. You know, between the known and the unknown, there lies a door. So yeah, thank you. And thank you for your reactions and your encouragement and your genuine reactions. I really appreciate it
Aaditya Menon
@Aldebaran · 3:24
Yeah, because the ups and downs will be there and, you know, the happiness, the sadness, all of that comes as part and parcel of it. And that's mainly because of that 6th sense that, you know, we have. I'm not going to say we've been gifted with the 6th sense, but it is an added responsibility for us to choose how we want to torment ourselves or how we want to live our lives in bliss. So that is definitely a dark place to
Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 1:56


I can't stay sad for long. So if this is sounding too negative, should I take this post out? Maybe I should replace it with, I mean, add something like a very contradictory, like a happy kind of a post just to negate this kind of feeling. I mean, thanks for the ten points. I definitely deserve it
Aaditya Menon
@Aldebaran · 0:28
It's still, you know, kind of Saturday night, so I'm yet to get to Sunday. I'm in the US right now. I'll be here for a few weeks and then I'll come back to India. So enjoy, have fun
Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 0:37


I will. And happy Vishu. Just doing a lot of errands today. Seriously, I hate doing household work. So doing that and hope you have a wonderful Sunday. But I loved all of your reactions. Totally loved it. I'm not going to remove my post. I'm not at all, you know, regretful of the post I made. It's the creative side of me. So I'm very happy I'm able to tap into that
Aaditya Menon
@Aldebaran · 0:41
Thank you for the wish you wishes just that. Unfortunately, I will not be able to, you know, celebrate it. Basically eat my way through that Sadhya. That's my only regret. Otherwise it's like pretty much another day in paradise. And good, good that you're not going to remove the post and all of that stuff. Just be you. Be yourself and whatever it is that comes into your mind. Just go ahead with that. And yeah, have fun with that
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:05
I mean, I feel I'm immersed in some water and not able to come out. Everything that you have mentioned here I'm currently feeling because of my indisposition. And, I mean, I thought I'll just add to it. I know you. What you wrote is very serious, but on a lighter note, I could definitely relate to it, and I just wish that both of us can come out of this situation soon because it's really driving me nuts. Take care. Bye
Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 1:50


I mean, in the sense that the intent with which it was written, to express the tortured mind of someone who's so trapped, you know, depressed, has come through because of the reactions I've gotten from all of my swell listeners, and they're such loving people. But here's to wishing you speedy recovery. Get well soon. You're going to fight this. You're going to see the light. You're going to feel lighter
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:16


Thank you so much for your kind words. And I really need all your wishes. And thank you so much for your wishes. I am sure they'll help me get better soon and keep connected. And let's keep chatting. Take care. Bye
Mala Sridhar
@Mala · 1:15


Hi, Sarita. I wanted to tell you that you have brought out the emotions of a trapped mind so well through these lines. And because I do know of a few youngsters who have gone through this phase of a trapped mind and how they feel when they are in a situation that they are not able to come out from it, you know, for various reasons. So you have brought it out very well, the emotions of a trapped mind
Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 1:40


Hi, Mala. Thank you so much. I appreciate your appreciation, and what a relief you got the gist. The idea was just, you know, you're constantly writing all happy things and motivational stuff, and I actually wanted to explore something different. So it was very impromptu, like, and I really put myself into an emotion, like, when everybody goes through a tough time. But if you think it from a perspective of an actor. I'm not an actor
