Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 4:13

Moral Bankruptcy

The other day, someone literally asked me this. And this is the one I know. So I'm like, is your account hacked or are they a part of the scam culture now, too? Everyone's so desperate to get money and desperation is so high, you know, you can get the money. And then it just brings us to this moral bankruptcy. Like, is it our moral is gone or our value is gone? Yes, everyone can use an extra money

#what #wouldyoudo #foradollar #tryingtosurvive #inflation

A Daily Robbery of our Social Capital. 🙏🏽🤓💭🤔 @PKBriggs

And so with that concept, just think about how many of us particularly empaths, too, such as myself, that when we don't create boundaries and don't really respect ourselves or value ourselves enough, then we allow people to take advantage of us
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 4:52

@The3rdOWL your life goes down the toilet for $2.75

Hey. So I'm glad you mentioned this empath piece, right. And I was like, I see people, you know, like this is what I think about being an empath, right? Am empathic. They're like all these different types of empaths, which I didn't quite realize. But I think I'm more in the telepathic and pre cognitive, which is kind of hard I guess for most people to believe. But I generally know things before they happen

Having a Relationship with traumatized people. 🙏🏽💯❤️💭🤓 @PKBriggs

This is our life's work where we're trying to realize how do we come into relationship with things that nobody wants to be in relationship with? You know what I mean? And so that's why we emphasize on these boundaries, right. It's a necessity. It's imperative if you're going to walk among the hurt and traumatize, you have to protect yourself
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 2:46

Wow. Reconciling. @The3rdOWL

I'm seeing the hurt child in them. And that's what I'm going to speak to because we naturally have more of what we should, patience for a hurt child or for children than we do for adults. But not realizing adults are just sometimes walking around children in these big bodies. So thank you. That was a very powerful reminder. And just thinking maybe not, but thank you. No, I am. Excuse me. Yeah. Wow
Process Imagining
@rafaelreyesiii · 4:54
And what we're losing is the lifeblood, the soul of people, in which then you have moral bankruptcy, the loss of social capital, as you are saying, third hour. And he does that by quite a couple of things. In Dead Poet Society, he talks about Walt Whitman's poem of the questions of life remaining. And towards the end of that poem, he goes, what's the point of life? And he goes, life, identity. And to contribute a verse
Process Imagining
@rafaelreyesiii · 2:48
And this is a beautiful piece that both of you are talking about should not be governed by economic values because the economic values then put in a monetary value on your decency. Right. So then if you're willing to shed your decency, you can get paid for it. But guess what? We have that on sites like Only fans, things of that nature, right. And I'm not talking about art, I'm just talking about the loss of decency

@rafaelr3 "The Capacity to Imagine." 🙏🏽❤️💯💭🤓🤔

Yes, that's exactly what we're talking about. How much of the system is robotic, not human, not considering human, how much of the system is inhumane? So, yes, that is a valid and very important thought. And it has us really thinking further and deeper into this, because even though we are talking about this, there's no right answer yet. We don't think there is going to be one answer
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 4:18

Contribute a verse 💥💥💥 @The3rdOWL @rafaelr3

It's accepted, actually, when you're not performing for a dollar, attention likes visits. Because these are the currencies now, right? The little hearts are the currencies. The shares are the currencies. The views are the currencies. These are the things that translate into actual dollar or value in this kind of world that we live in now and we see performance, right. Idiocy p***, we could call it that. These very extreme things that are terrible
Process Imagining
@rafaelreyesiii · 4:58
And like you were saying, PK, you know, in the film, Jackass, that we navigate towards that because it provides an instantaneous feeling. Right. Because of its intensity. So how can we shift that so that we are builders from our own imaginative space and creativity but to the world? It's not only for ourselves. Yes, we build ourselves, but it has its expressiveness with those around us, which then introduces for them forms of expressive, imaginative creativity
Yesenia Fernandez
@Her_Revolucion · 4:55

Scam Culture 🤑

But you kind of cross the line when you can kind of see or read where the person is in their life and how that kind of seems like it's a call for help and someone actually reached out and it was an account that was fake and they were pretending to be someone that I was following that had like money, thousand followers
