Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggsย ยทย 4:45

100th Swelliversary: Refuse to Lose ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿพ

Then just coming through and they're up and they're on a board. It's unbelievable to me. It's the most incredible thing I've ever seen. Now let me know that, you know, I cannot swim. I cannot swim at all. But in my heart, I believe I can be a surfer one day. This is probably not true. But the beauty of this untruth is, can I learn to swim? Yes

#dogood #feelgood #100thswell #truestory #yesyoucan

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesย ยทย 1:48


I think Swell is a very meditative sort of habit to sort of audio Journal with the intent of others listening. It's a very specific, new way to kind of meet the world. And because it's a young space and a young platform, the voices that are here during these times really set the tone really help cultivate a culture. And I think your 100 plus swells certainly have given us so much permission to feel and to think and to consider and to accept and to push
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggsย ยทย 1:50

@DBPardes Thank you for being awesome, always!

And I think I'm right. And amazing. You're one of these brilliant humans defying gravity and what seems to be reasonable for what a person can do. And there you are, on a board and an ocean. It's the most fantastic thing in the world. I love to watch the videos, but thank you. Thank you for jumping on and thank you for you and all the conversations that you start. Create support challenge. Thank you
