Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 3:25

Hey Dad: Rememberance the passing of time/not really a post, but a post.

And he became kind of this character where I just felt a lot of empathy for him. And I just wish his life would be better. I spent a lot of time wishing his life would have been better, and not because it would have necessarily impacted me. But I know that there is a guy near somewhere and he just deserved to have a better life. But now he's gone and hopefully in a better place. But I say this to say, I put a question out there

#reconcile #memories #fathers #healing

Powerfully Poetic and Healing

And I think anyone who joins the dialogue and is thinking about this should give themselves credit, too, and not be so harsh on themselves. But just maybe now take the opportunity to really just imagine a different way. Imagine a different relationship with someone that you want to have a better relationship with. Seeing it is believing it sometimes for people. But thinking it for the dreamer is just as real

Personal Testimony

I think that as humans, we're so incredibly advanced that we don't even understand our ability to psychologically and spiritually manifest bring into fruition things. And so I think as PISCES, we strongly have this. But people in general have this
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:44

Yes to imagination and healing!

Wow. This felt so generous. And I agree with Erin. It's just imagination as a tool for us to heal and just never stop imagining and creating realities in your mind that heal post experiences that weren't kind to you because I think it's part of creating a bed from which we rise every day. And we create that space. And you can do that by conjuring up the essence of this man that you love and that you miss. And it's a great practice
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:45

@DBPardes @The3rdOWL Thank you for your Grace.

And you make me feel like uplifted to be a PISCES for so many years, I always experience people's perception of the PISCES, mainly focusing on all of our kind of less than favorable characteristics. So for a while, I would always try to fight against that. But I always feel like with you, it's like, embrace the full circle. It's all of us. It's all whatever our circle of attributes are. And you need to embrace the full circle
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:53

Thank you for your gift of you! @kate

Hi, Kate. Good afternoon. Thank you. As always. Thank you for always stopping by and just imparting so much wisdom, so much kindness and inspiration. It is, sontaia. And I think that's what you said the first time, sontaia. Yeah. My mom spelled it S-O-N-T-A-I-A-I think if it would have been T-A-Y-A that might have been easier. But yes, sontaia or PK or just bricks, because I know Santa can be a mouthful sometimes
