Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 4:40

Refresh Friday’s: Dissapointment & Forgiveness

If you have anything lingering, any decision you need to make or a decision that you did make, that is a time for you to come to the table and forgive yourself because that's what all this is about. Coming to the table and just forgive myself because I have to write forgiveness begins with you for yourself, so that's refreshed Fridays coming to terms with my own and disappointment and then also giving myself a little forgiveness. So thank you for listening. Bye

#bekindtoyourself #forgive #failure #courage #shiftyourmindset #mytruth

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:57

Continue to face failure so success can be that much sweeter.

That's a goal of mine I've been wanting for a very long time, and I have to start the process of the education. The more I sit here at this job, the more I know I need to do it, but I just need to do it. So thank you for such an inspiring story. And may you continue to have the courage to fail. So in one day, when you succeed, it will matter that much more for you
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:01

@FryedOreo Having the courage to fail ✨✨🙏🏾

Because I know you've also mentioned a few times beginning to transition out of your current work to something that feeds your soul more. So Congratulations on that as well. You have an amazing Friday. It's sunny in NYC. It's sunny where you are and a little chilly, actually, but have a great day. And thank you so much for responding to the swell and just your advice, your words, your heart. I appreciate all of it. Thank you. Bye
