Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 3:49

Forcast Wednesday’s: The Power of intentionality. Inspired by The Power of Significance by John C. Maxwell

If he's saying that most of us will think of something that we didn't do and action that we didn't take, like, our regrets are centered around us being passive versus we actually tried, and maybe we failed. And I guess the point of this is and the point of this whole intentionality is do just do right? He says. People ask me all the time, how do you write a book? Just start. And I'm a person that wants this as well

#getexcited #carpediem #beintentional #youareawesome

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 1:12


So I am starting to actually try and do and I have some plans, and I have been writing and I have been submitting things and it's been years and years in the making, because I don't want to have that. It scares me to have that end, like that kind of end scenario where I look back and regret not doing it. So I am starting to
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:01

@NLOFrank Let’s catch these dreams!

Hey, Tasha, thank you so much for joining on. As always, you are inspiring me. I totally, totally feel you like you don't want it's like frightening a frightening thought to just look back and and not have done things like fast forward to the older version of ourselves. So I'm with you. And you sound like you've already done more than you think you have. So definitely give yourself credit for that. I just started writing notes
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:26

Milestones and bumps

Anyway, I hope your coffees are good, but seriously, it's so interesting to help others in this realm of focus and being that buddy system, but it's much harder to do it yourself. And I just love that this is a very clear scenario, the gift that keeps on giving, because as we hear each other boost each other, we obviously boost ourselves in terms of focus and tension
Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 1:02
I just wanted to say to the two of you that I've really loved listening to this whole conversation. And you just made me really smile, talking about imagining us in a cafe. And then when you said about out sticking you with the bill, and I was like, I seem to have given off a certain vibe. Anyway, just the whole thing has just made me smile. And exactly what you said around the fact that we all sometimes need a bit of a nudge
