Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 4:06

Labels, categories: we need them!? Inspired by Tasha Frank

Because language keeps growing as the world becomes more informed about or discoveries are made, whichever way you want to view it, whatever lens you want to take with it. And so what do you think? Maybe we can just not try not to be annoyed by it, and it's just a navigation tool. Maybe look at it like that. So that's what I'm throwing out there this morning. If maybe you want to catch it and throw back what you think that'd be awesome

#foryourconsideration #lgbtqia #diversity #is #divine

Charlie Olivieri
@Charlieri · 3:51
So we use she and him and they yeah, I feel like actually pronouns kind of simplify things a bit because it's the essential information you meet someone you used to go, Mr. Or Mrs. Such and such or mom or whatever. And now you just go, he or she or they you can go first name basis with simplified things. In that respect, we don't use titles as much anymore, especially in the English language
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:31

@Charlieri It’s an address 😀 too!

But you don't know everything, but you're like, okay, so at least I know whether it's she he they apparently there's a bunch of them. I don't know all of them. And you start from there, like, okay, well, this whatever presentation, right? We know doesn't always match how we identify. So the address pun intended is like, Gee, okay, so I can begin there. We're there
Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:51

@PKBriggs @Charlieri

It means like, that's really good. I thought they were joking with me and making me think that a word was different how it actually is. But no people use the term sick as a good thing. So that's an evolution on a word. And we are evolving and expanding the term. They in a way that we already use without realizing it. When we like to see a doctor and people don't know their gender, so they'll say, oh, what did they say?
