J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 5:00

Freezing myself for mental wellness? Do you?

And today was my first day and I kept telling my girlfriend, not telling, I kept asking my girlfriend, hey, I really want to try to do this cold plunge. And it's cold where we're at. It's really, really cold. So all I have to do is fill it with water and it will be cold enough for me to do a cold plunge. So we haven't been able to get there

https://linktr.ee/phasereality #jmoor #phasereality #cold #plunge #motivation #anxiety #mentalwellness #coach

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:23
So to really breathe it in, interestingly, I did share it with a friend, a couple of friends, and I've even shared it with someone I spend a lot of time with and he has transitioned from doing them for every single shower. Now when we shower together, I'm like showering together is not a cold shower thing. That's not fun
Kurt Waterstradt
@KurtWaterstradt · 4:34
If you stay in the shower, you stay in the cold. Whether it's a shower, it's a plunge. If you do it for 30 seconds, you can do it for three minutes. The key is staying present in the moment and focusing solely on the air passing in and out of your lungs. Your body will handle the rest. You won't even notice. And then you'll realize it's not that big of a deal
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:32


And then I was like, oh, it's there. And then I lost it again. And then I jumped out. And I'm not going to lie, I only lost it maybe like nine. And I'm being probably generous to myself, it's probably more like six or 7 seconds. But I jump out and I'm cold and I'm feeling defeated and I'm like, man, that didn't work. I can't even do 30 seconds
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:14


Hi, JL. Thank you for sharing that. I probably should have done what you did, starting off a little bit tepid, not going straight into it. And I have the same problem. I live in a place where it snows, and currently it is snowing, so the water that comes out is freezing. It's very shocking how cold it comes out. You know, I tended to do it with the bathtub and I was just like, wow
Kurt Waterstradt
@KurtWaterstradt · 3:43


So when you get into the water and you feel that, you feel it get started, you can do what is known as the side relief. So actually inhale through your nose and then when you go to exhale, actually sigh it out with noise. It's this strange neurological cheat that none of the circumstances around you have changed. But by putting out the sigh, you're actually sending signals that you're okay. It's so weird
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 2:49


So I can definitely sit in there for at least a minute to about a minute and a half and already see the advantages of it. My back just seems to be a little bit more in tune. My neck is getting a little bit more looser, skin is already looking much better. I just I feel better. The cold is definitely not as a big problem to me anymore. So that's really freaking cool. But yes, thank you so much. Thank you for your advice
