preethy uthup
@peeli · 4:49

The Holy week

Hello. Good evening, my Svelkas friends. This particular week is very important in the lives of every Christian and Catholic who practices the faith of Christianity. For me, this is the most important time of the year. And this 40 days is clearly a time for self introspection. And I give up. The most important things which I love so much, like the social media and many other activities come to a halt at this point of time

A time for inner engineering!

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:17
And I really trust because when we do certain things, especially when related to spirituality, we see those positive vibes in us, and it is very important that we should spread that kind of positivity to people and make them realize the importance of such things. And I really appreciate you for coming up with this. I'm not much aware of this week as I'm not a Christian. I just know that this is the Easter week, but apart from that, I was not much aware of it
