preethy uthup
@peeli · 3:44

What is the purpose of short impactful relationships?

This is the topic about relationships and the people who come into our lives fill us up and then suddenly pour out. This is a topic that many of us can relate to and it often leaves us wondering what was the purpose behind those short but impactful connections? Have you ever experienced a relationship or friendship that seems to have a deeper meaning, only to have the other person suddenly withdraw from your life?

Puzzle yet to solve ?

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:08
So I think that is why they are there, because we have to learn a lot of things in life, and that's how we progress, that's how we change, that's how we grow. And they are there to help us navigate through the journey called life. And that is why they are there. And some are there for short term, some for long term, probably because of the association that we require for our learnings or for their learnings
preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:04


But it can be for the course of life to happen, this has to come in place. And that's how the destiny forms the whole pattern of life. Yeah, it is a very good thought that you have put it across, and I really, really liked it. Thanks a lot, dear. Bye. Take care
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:09
Most welcome peeli. I'm so glad that you found it useful. Have a lovely evening. Bye
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 2:28
Hi Preeti. Good evening. As soon as you asked me this question, I had one thought in my mind. Let me tell you about it. So basically when I was in my intermediate second year I met one girl. She joined our college in second year and I don't know why and how a strong relationship has been developed between both of us. We became close friends and trust me, that girl actually tried to help me out by finding one job even for my mother
Speaking Buddha
@Vivek.Padalia · 3:04

#vivekpodcast #vivekswellcast #speakingbuddha #spiritualtalks

There are people I met, they came with the purpose of giving some experiences to me and based on those experiences in last couple of years by using those experiences today I'm trying to establish my new business. So I strongly believe there is a purpose otherwise you are not going to meet anyone even for a moment. Would love to hear from you on on this thought. Thank you
preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:49


But when we invest that much into a relationship and suddenly that is not impacting us the way we want it, or that is just not happening, as you said, or it suddenly becomes so different, it is it teaches you a lot of things, but more than teaching you, it impacts you. And not in a positive way at the initial part of it
preethy uthup
@peeli · 4:42


I don't want to mix my emotion into it and look it at that point and pulling myself down instead of that I wanted that jerk and making me go forward. But at this present moment I should understand that this is the way it was and this is how it is. And I should look in as a good part of it as such, not anything bad as such or why did that person go away? Or why was that impactful short?
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 4:56
You will feel lonely after a point of time and you will feel miserable at times. So yeah, I think these purpose short impactful relationships, they come in our lives to teach us important lessons. That is my theory about it. Hope it gives you some insight, hope it makes you think I'm very inexperienced, I don't think I have that sort of wisdom. But this is my limited understanding about these short relationships that we often get attached to
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 3:56

#trawellcast #lifejournal #authorspeak

And this has happened with me a couple of times, but just trying to give you a traveler's perspective, we are all on an endless journey, sitting in a train, and each one has to reach their own destination. A lot of people will board the train, sit next to you, have a cup of tea with you, share their part of their life, and when their destination comes, they get down. And probably their destination is not the same as yours
Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 4:59


And one of them has been friends for me since college and she's been friends with me since 13 years, including the college years. And I would like to recall a few chapters of my life here. I was in a relationship with a man for nearly six years and this period taught me a lot about what a woman should prioritize in her life and what a woman shouldn't prioritize. And during this phase, everything was about him
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 4:03
And one of the best way of handling the matter privately is just to pull yourself back, pull from the public lives and trying to deal with wherever you are dealing with isolations, the loneliness, challenging life, professional life, family life, health issues. They are so overwhelmed by things that are happening in their lives and they don't want to hurt others by bringing up their problems
preethy uthup
@peeli · 3:15


And when I compile everything and I look at it, it gives me a full round circle as to where I am now and the way I should look at it. It's different, like you said, how you felt about different relationships which came into and which never it was short and sometimes it hurt you. And so each one of us, at some moment, it happens to us, I feel
preethy uthup
@peeli · 3:15


So there's no use holding on to anything and saying that, oh, it should stay with me, it should stay with me. It can never be that way. And that was a very deep understanding that you have about life. And that's a superb sort of perspective that you gave me today, which is so very precious. And sometimes small things like this impacts you in a bigger way. I don't know. Somewhere one of my friends said, every cloud will have a silver lining
preethy uthup
@peeli · 2:05


You don't want to accept it but somehow it grooves into you at some time and then it builds on you and then sometimes it has to go also and you have to let it go also and that's a time when you feel that oh, was it really worth it? That is one point of it. Second point what you really said is that the deeper impact of each woman making in somebody's life like those two people really impacted you at the time when you really really needed them
preethy uthup
@peeli · 3:15


Hi, Malekea. So it's been some time since we have I have replied to any of your podcast, or you have replied, so it's so nice to hear your voice. And it was really a very you did a real deep dive into the circumstances and what I mean, the essence of what I was able to convey, you caught onto it. And as you said, everyone who passes through our life has something to give us
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 4:37
So I guess what I'm trying to say is I've just come to a point where I've understood that no relationship is permanent unless it's like a soul tile, right? Unless it's somebody who you share blood with or someone you share ties with. And I think their own end. Like, if it's a friendship, it's something that it can end at any time. And I think that's the reality of it
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 5:00
And whenever anybody used to visit the house and those were not our dogs, they were of landlords, but they used to always stay with me or with my mom and used to hang out with our family instead of their owners. And anybody used to visit my mom tells the story that once the refrigerator's gas got leaked and the technician came, and the Ulsatian we used to call him Tiger, and the Pomeranian was Choto
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 2:02
So for me, it's a profound love that I experienced has lot of power in it, and somewhere I feel it is one of the pillars of my value system that I experienced during that part that got inherited in me, that warmed those eyes. That unconditional bond and love that I had can never be replaced. So certain short relationships are there just to make you or probably sow a seed in you for a much larger landscape that the cosmos is trying you to be a part of
Kuuipo MeKealoha
@Werk_it_0ut · 5:00
And regarding this, well, what I've tend to learn, and this is something that I've learned about myself, is that you cannot control other people. You can't control their thoughts, you can't control their feelings or their actions. You can only control yourself. You can only control yourself and what you think and how you feel. And for short relationships or a season, people are meant to be in your life
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:02
And then I remember old roommates that we had where in the beginning it was like a storm. We clashed because we had different opinions, different ideas. But over the course of a few weeks we became like brothers and sisters. And unfortunately we all left and went our separate directions because the house wasn't owned by us. We were just there temporarily and this was several years ago
preethy uthup
@peeli · 4:27


Like if you really look into anybody you see when you say a hello for me from now on, it will ring to me that this hello has a goodbye someday. It can be years, it can be days, or it can be. And let me share something so deep. Each time you get into a relationship, a real relationship, you think that, oh, that is the soulmate of your life
preethy uthup
@peeli · 4:48


Hi, Adarsh. The way you narrated your childhood incident really cast a very vivid picture of what your bond between those two, the pets that you had. Even though it's not your pet, invariably they became close to you. Because my mom always says that animals can sense who's a human being who can love better, and they are the best judges, actually
preethy uthup
@peeli · 4:29


It's a small pick, but when I came out of it and I did a deep dive on what that impact of Mona Lisa is that a friend of mine again told me that when you look at her, if you're sad, you might feel sad looking at her or what she gives back. The image is a sad Mona Lisa. If you are in a happy point of view, that smile that comes back to you will make you feel that. Oh, okay
preethy uthup
@peeli · 3:55


If I get a little bit closer, then I kind of give a warning to myself saying that look here, your past was not so great, so be worried on that as such. So they would have been some good relationships ultimately. But I kind of am very worried on things because of the past. And so trust is a factor which really inhibits sometimes for our growth as such. Of course, we cannot trust people totally also
Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 2:08
Hello, what topic you have raised? It is not very much discussed, but when I was listening so I was getting the point that many people quickly come in our life and quickly they go also. But many times they have a big impact and many times we understand ah, what can be the purpose of their coming and many times we don't know but it has a big impact on our life so definitely and I appreciate the topic and the way you have discussed it
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 3:57
And I think you said a very important point that I'm going to keep in my mind for rest of my life is that to not grieve, do not grieve at loss of anything in life. Of course, if a loved one just goes away, it's an earth shattering moment, undoubtedly. But grieving is something that we do consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously all the time. If we set a goal and if we are not able to achieve it, we grieve. We grieve for little things
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 0:26
Hi Preeti. Thank you for responding back. I'm actually in the USA, so in Virginia, so thank you so much. And you have a blessed one as well. Thank you so much for this topic. And yes, we should definitely keep in touch. This was a great topic
