paavita k.
@Paavita · 1:46


Those days we spent together laughing and crying, hugging each other. I still stay awake till 04:00 a.m. Thinking about you, thinking about what we would be doing if we hadn't break up. Do you think about me too? I still got a pigs in my phone. Our memories in my heart. Wish I could delete everything, reset this life too. But my hands trembled to do so. You're my best friend and you always will be

#sayitonswell #friendship #breakups #poetry #bffs #swellcast

Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 1:29
And you can feel your heart ripping apart when you see your friend drifting apart from you, right? And I feel that the poem you wrote, it is so, so deep and I can literally feel your pain as you wrote this and as you are reciting it for the world. Thank you so much. This was a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it with us
