Marque LaMar
@overlythematic · 1:15

Existential Ponderings Ep. 5 - Are These Still a Thing?

You're. Hello, everyone. I hope you're doing swell. That was a terrible pun. I apologize. Welcome back to Existential Ponderings. This is episode five. Today I want to talk about funko pops. About three or four years ago, I was really into these things, and I quickly amassed, I want to say over 40 of them. And at some point, the availability decreased and the price for them increased

#Ponderings #collectibles #funko #figurines

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:48
He makes it like a good amount of money on the side selling these things and you'd be surprised, maybe you won't, but some people will be surprised at how much some of these funko pops can actually go for. And actually in Hollywood, California, right in the heart of Hollywood, near the Walk of Fame, there is a funko pop store. And not too long ago I was in the area and I wanted to stop by and check it out
