Bobblin Owinde
@Outspoken · 5:00

First Job Experience

Because being raised up in an informal settlement slam, to be specific, one of the largest slums in Nairobi and in East Africa, Kibra we had a population of roughly a million people and that's like 175,000 households. Life was tough and vices were plenty as young people, people were ambitious, but at the same time there were no jobs and so many would end up in activities that were not progressive
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:08

#work #job #mindset

Hey. The audio cut out at five minutes, but you were definitely still sounded to me like you were still giving some backstory about that first job and what a tough and challenging job to be able to bear witness to the people's expressions and authentic reaction to the circumstances that you were experiencing that you were helping out with. What just an honor to be able to bring awareness there and to start your, I guess, adult life
