Oswald Perez
@OPWriter · 4:52

Find Yourself A Wine That Pairs With My Pulse

A fizzy concoction that goes down smooth, waiting to come alive after it's uncorked. Wine that embodies summery vibes to be consumed with full company nearby. An aroma fragile at night with hints of lavender on the nose and taste of vanilla at the start. Sense to me, bringing on all the joy. A wine that pairs well with my pulse. Sparklers, vinhos, cedra and chacoli give me all of the bubbles you can get. So, yes, I had this thinking

An ode to sparkling wine in verse. As bubbly and its equivalents pair well with my celebratory pulse.

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:46
Hey, Oswald. I love your affection with sparkling wine. It's definitely something I partake in sparingly. But no doubt, when it is consumed, it is consumed in a joyful manner. It just feels like a celebratory drink. And it's really cool to hear the poetic take on such a drink. It shows a lot of knowledge and appreciation. So I just wanted to say I love it and cheers to you
