Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupward · 4:05

Podcast title help

For example, my blog talks about personal development, talks about mental health, and it's also centered around personal experiences that I've gone through with my adoption journey and my discovery and how I've learned more about who I am and getting better confidence that I can talk to other people about it. So again, all that being said, what are some titles like what are some podcast titles that you think cover aspects of wellness? Being your best advocate. How to move onward and upward

#podcast #publicspeaking #relatable

@onwardandupward "Curiously Becoming"

It's just off the top of my head. So if something else comes, I'll let you know. But curiously becoming and the reason I say that is because you're a curious thinker and you're seeking to learn more and to become more. And curiously, to me, the adverb is an act, right? You're seeking more. It's sort of an allusion to the seeking and becoming. It's not simply that you're seeking information or knowledge or wisdom
Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupward · 1:35

I like it…

But that's just one of those fulfilling, aspiring, like, I think identity solidifying, growing learning aspect as well. When I think of the word coming, there's this scripture that I actually have on my blog that I really like, and it's called not that I have Already Attained or I'm Already Perfected, but I press on that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me
Darrisha Daniel
@Dee94 · 0:47


That's what I'm all about, is trying to transform and evolve into my greatest self. So I love your message. Look forward were to listening to your podcast too. Good luck
Lance Watson
@lwatsonjr · 2:44

@onwardandupward: "Hera’s gift" (curiosity)

Hey, Adam, this is Rev. LJ I wanted to jump in here. Sounds like you got a pretty cool conversation going on about titling your blog. And after listening to a few of the responses and listening to your initial swell cast, I love landed on something. So I have this fascination with Greek mythology and along the lines of curiosity and investigation and all of that, we oftentimes fall upon the myth of Pandora's Box
Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupward · 1:06

🙏🏽❤️ @Dee94

It might just be one of the call to action points for what people will get when they are part of this podcast and what we will talk about. So thank you. Look forward to connecting with you further and seeing possibly wherever you can jump in on this if you are interested in willing. Thanks. Take care
Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupward · 0:49


And it also sounds like you might be someone who would be great to collaborate and connect with further on this. So I've listened to some of your responses on other swell cast, and it's been great, and just keep doing that. Thank you so much. Bye
Lance Watson
@lwatsonjr · 2:45

@onwardandupward: hit me up, there’s more for us,…

Hey, Adam. Revit LJ again, I would encourage you to hit me up I'm a little bit, just to sort of give you a heads up about why I'm so adamant about coming back on here and and, you know, some sort of saying that to you or just welcoming the invitation to collaborate beyond what we're doing as well. I am currently in a doctoral project, and I'm looking for opportunities to collaborate with young adults
