Donnie Lansdale
@OnceuponaDon · 4:38

The one that got away

You. So I've been auditioning for several books, and I've had some pretty good luck, but this one I did not get. But I wanted to share it with everyone because I thought it was. I thought it was beautiful, actually. And so here goes. Let me. Let me read you the audition as I read it, and it's called the run. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle

#authors #writers

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:34
Hey Donnie. How cool, man. You apply and audition for various audiobooks and just to be the narrator, it makes sense. But it's an industry that unless you're in it or you know somebody who is, the chances of you fully understanding what that process looks like is pretty small. So I'm grateful that you're here to help educate and inform a little bit. It's a little informative tricks or just the behind the scenes things that I just love to know about
Donnie Lansdale
@OnceuponaDon · 0:14
Thank you so much, my brother. Appreciate that. And, yeah, I'm going to do some musings, deep thoughts by Donnie Lansdale and see how that works for us. Okay, great, man. Stay tuned. More good stuff coming up
