Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 14:55

#MemsRap with Vehicles For Change- Delmarva’s Caesar Savage! Menotoring our way to Success. (MOWS)!

And reason why I said this is because I was watching the event, new year's event, and what he had, and it was a church down in Atlanta, and they had music playing. They had everything going on in the church, and people just straight turned it off because it was a different lifestyle, it was a different way. They was brought up in church, so they wanted to hold them people's accountable and be like, they were heathens

#Accountability. How do you define accountability One Conversation At A Time.

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:59
But even when it was just, and I'm not a car person, but even when it was just wires and nuts and bolts without computers, it still was quite the craft to be able to maintain the vehicles and keep them on the road. So definitely an admired profession in my book. I like what was also stated about the topic of accountability
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:40

@DearAuntyAng #CuriosityFlex #Accountability #CultureWorship #FrederickDouglas #IdolWorship

Thank you for this engagement. Having conversations with Caesar has been wonderful in developing thought and moving thought forward in our incubator environment at vehicles for change. He's just been wonderful there. And you cleared up something for me. When I have the conversation about accountability with him, I have a definition of accountability. I realized from your conversation, and I was wondering to myself, he was talking to me, it seemed like he was putting accountability on the other person
