Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 5:00

Creativity As A Vehicle For Change

Creativity as a vehicle for change. I hope you guys are enjoying these beautiful photos of one of my favorite artists, Fiancesco Marzetti. Become an intentional learner and creativity is a vehicle for change. When I go into solution spaces, sit at tables where we have to come up with solutions to problems on a big scale for community and all

Artista: Feancesco Marzetti📸 Look at this post on Facebook #BeTheBeacon #GrowOrDie

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:48
It's so lovely to hear, and especially around words like accountability, that maybe nowadays have a sort of like, oh, immediately it's a negative connotation when it's really, truly a beautiful thing, like you're saying. So, yeah, it just seems like a very essential point of view. So thank you so much for bringing it on here
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:00
When you're in a situation, when you're trying to figure something out, and when there's lots of linear type people that aren't thinking in a creative way, the results are so different than when you bring people in that are really able to just stretch and be wild and even goofy, and just not be afraid to blue sky stuff and not fear judgment if they say something completely out of left field
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 5:00


So I'm looking at things from a very long view. And with Donald Trump leading on the republican side, and I live in a conservative republican community, I think that the thought leadership, if I can pull this together and pull all the right people in the right seats to have a good conversation, we can get ahead of that and go into the future of 24 and beyond just strong. So it's crisis management. Yes, we are in a little bit of a panic
Laurie McGinley
@lauriemcginley · 2:43


An artist is somebody who is expressive in their creativity. And the connection this made for me is in talking about the idea of feeling unsafe and coming emotionally into a situation where we are in a survival emotion because we feel threatened or we feel unsafe versus taking that pause, Shawna, that you're talking about and coming back to our creativity
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 5:00

@lauriemcginley Accountability is love. #Accountability #SafeSpaces

It's like the honeybees are scrambled by the chemicals almost. Yeah. Thank you for bringing your best thinking and your best energy to this. And I'd love to keep this going. It's really valuable. This is thought leadership, Lori, thank you
Laurie McGinley
@lauriemcginley · 2:04


When you go into a space, who are your accountability buddies to help you do that important work so that the content, the work of the actual event can happen and can happen in a way that we all get a chance to bring our creative, beautiful, curious and productive selves. Because whatever you're building, you build it better when you come at it from a place of curiosity and creativity and love and
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 2:38


But it is a space where if I am authentically myself or I choose to disagree in that environment, that it would be healthy to do so. I don't know how that came to be. I really don't. That's a choice. We choose to go into these spaces. I don't know. In my community, the black Americans in my community, I don't see them in leadership spaces in our community
Laurie McGinley
@lauriemcginley · 4:12


It's not that things won't happen in there that might have in the past made me feel unsafe, but my work is to know I can't control people. Humans have free will and are autonomous beings. But the awareness for me came in. We make our own feelings. I make mine. You make yours. Everybody else makes their own
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:47

@lauriemcginley #JamaicanHoneyBee #BeTheBeacon Photo Adrianna Amari

I would love to invite some folks from my community to have that conversation. What is the outcome there? One, I enjoy meeting a new friend and a new human. Two, the growth for both of us individually. And three, we can encourage growth in other folks who may want to hear this conversation. One of my favorite mantras is I am at choice. And if we can teach that to all of the teenagers and before 8th graders and before I am at choice, I am accountable
Laurie McGinley
@lauriemcginley · 4:05


I am at choice. Yes. That is so beautiful. And I love that your focus is on the teenagers. I want every human to know that as young as they can possibly know that. And I know that doesn't always happen, but it is so important in the development of us as we differentiate from our family of origin, our childhood. When you're little, you're right. So much happens before you have any sort of agency over it. And that stuff sticks with you
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:58

@lauriemcginleyThe generational Key. Radical curiosity and creativity #BeTheBeacon

And in this context, the outcome being the outcome is personal growth on an individual level, but the society outcome, not of getting along and singing Kumbaya, but of respecting and being the civility of it all, the boundaries of where does my boundary and then the other one exist? And this conversation, I think, is going into that thought leadership, we're pushing forward right now into being the leaders of the next logical step of thought. I think there is a vacuum
