Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 14:06

#TheDailyAcorn The Win-Win Mirage!

In one research study that contained a hard to find win win solution, we have found that fewer than 4% of managers found the sweet spot. Kearsley. Everyone failed to maximize value. Even the most highly motivated negotiators do not recognize the opportunity. So then we started to wonder whether people might be so far down the rabbit hole that they would not even know when they were in 100% complete agreement with another person. This is true. You see this all the time

Splitting the Difference is a Fixed-Pie Perceptions

Deborah Gilmore
@Transformation · 4:57

Settling vs. Compromising /Value-Worth

It's just like, you're not valuing my life, you're not valuing my responsibilities. Because when I started working in the customer service business, I had one child at one time because I just wanted to be there for my child and I would not work a job. They would not consider me as a mother first because I'm a mother first before I come on this job. And I wasn't going to compromise my relationship with my children when they needed me for a job
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:59

Migrant Worker Business Model prevails

Haiti's having their big deal right now, so we have a lot of Haitians in our community, and I'm in that workforce development piece, and here's something interesting for you and me. Is the customer service piece integrating the cultures, the workforce cultures, the language, everything is where the new customer service money is going to be made
Deborah Gilmore
@Transformation · 4:58

Revolution in the Service Industry! Change On The Horizon ☀️

So in those seasons when a business needs to shift and even the minds of the people that employees, there must become a place in their own thinking that, look, I've done this long enough. I've done this type of work. I want to elevate. Where is the elevation in the mind of the people? Because I don't mean myself. I don't want to continue to allow myself to go down the same rabbit hole in my life. Where are the goals?
