Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 5:03

#DailyAcornChallenge- FIGHTING MEDIOCRITY. Mediocrity

It's a skill. It's like anything else. You don't know if you don't know, and you gotta practice this new habit. So thank you for joining me here today on the daily Acorn. Fighting mediocrity. We are fighting mediocrity. The best leaders should be responsible for hiring other leadership

Dedicated to discovering, recruiting, and nurturing exceptional talent.

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:49
I love this. I'm big on fighting mediocrity and everything, but especially in this building, teams, I think when I've seen it happen and when I've maybe noticed it in myself, it's because it's an ego thing. The ego is maybe getting a little bit too involved and losing sight of what it is that we're doing here. So, yeah, this is great
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 1:15


You're always going to be hitting, you know, swinging and hitting, and how can you feel bad about that? It feels great to strive for excellence. Laziness and half stepping just seems really hard work. I've seen people just kind of mosiano around, and it just seems so exhausting to me and uninteresting. And so we encourage folks, you know, always try for your best. You don't know what your best is
