Nya Story
@NyaStory · 0:23

#AudioCaption | Cartoon 3, Dog and cat

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Today looks promising, honey. It sure does. Whoever thought we would really be able to mix worlds? A little doggy chew with a little meow. Honey, meet me in the litter tonight. I sure will

#SwellAudioCaption #sppaudcpp3 https://s.swell.life/SU9BfBO1p68kzVB #cartoon #caption

Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:05
Ah, that was so cute. Thanks for sharing. I love cats and dogs
Nya Story
@NyaStory · 0:26


Thank you. I tried. I need to work better on my voices, but it was a start, huh? Thank you. Have a great one. Cats and dogs. I've always loved them as well. And I think they can definitely live together and be friends. It reminds me of Tom and Jerry and just so many other cartoons. But yes, I love cats and dogs