Nupur Upadhyaya
@Nupz33 · 1:11

What’s your favourite song of all time?

That is my default song to go to because honestly it matches my pitch. That's it. And it's kind of nice to sing. It's nice to listen to. Not many complications there but if there was a song that I was really is inspired by that would be Whitney Houston and I will always love you. It's hard to sing for me because I'm not the greatest but still that is one damn good song

#music #songs #melodies #instruments

Nupur Upadhyaya
@Nupz33 · 0:08

Im still gonna ask anyways so better leave a reply.. what is your favourite song???😝

Let's not beat about the bush and answer this question, because I'm gonna ask it anyway. What is your favorite song?
