Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 1:33

Happy Easter All

Also, she suggested to do this without any background noise, and I'm doing that today, so hope that's a little bit better again. And thanks, Jodie, for letting me know about that. And also for lunch today, I went to St. Patrick's Church. They provide free meals every day for those in need that are low income. Today they had for lunch nice little dinner, two pieces of ham au gratin, potatoes, and coleslaw, which is very good
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:20
Wow, that sounds like a really nice Easter holiday. I've never really celebrated Easter, so it's sweet to hear about people getting together and sharing food and having a nice time. It's great, and I'm glad that it was nice. Thank you for sharing on here
