Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:09

A little rant about this article, 'Learning about transgender is making our children hate their bodies'

Society every day is teaching our children that they need to look and behave a certain way in order to be accepted instead of attacking trans people and laying blame an LGBTQIA people for anything that makes other people feel uncomfortable? How about we actually raise our children to learn to love themselves for who they are and to explore their own identity and gender, which is who they are

#LGBTQIA #transgender #nonbinary

Professor Z
@Professor42 · 2:35
I like to do makeup and I like to feel pretty that way. That's cool. I'm all for it. I'm fine with it. I just don't like the opposite where kids are sort of influenced and pushed into something that they may not have naturally done themselves. And I think that often happens a lot. But other than that, I just wanted to respond. Great. Swell. If you have any more interesting topics, I may respond to them as well
Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:55


So I think they use it as gospel. It's fine for things like eating disorders to make sure people are going in the right direction if they have lost their weight and need to regain weight for health reasons to stop them being in danger of being really in trouble, really physically. But other than that, as you said, it wasn't ever designed for how it's used anyway
