Nikhil Naik
@nikhilnaik · 4:21

Marathon mindset in entrepreneurship

It all plays in your mind which ultimately decides how you fare. In a marathon you are bound to encounter obstacles and setbacks along the way. It's important to push through them and keep going. The same goes for running a business. Again, then we have the support system that is very important for either running a marathon or even a business. The support system comes in the form of a team or fellow runners. When you run a marathon it is important to have this support system in place

#marathon #running #entreprenuership #mindsetiseverything #fitness #endurance #

Arish Ali
@arish · 1:16

@nikhilnaik Great advice! Any tips for people who want to start training for Marathons? #running #giveatalk

How long did that journey take, and is there any advice for other fellow founders and start up people who want to do this and have thought about running a marathon but never had the time of courage or felt that they can't do it themselves? Are there any practical tips in terms of trading or diet and stuff that you did that helped you get and achieve that goal that might be useful for your listeners? Thank you
Nikhil Naik
@nikhilnaik · 2:27


So my advice to any people who are willing to take up this running journey is that long distance learning is clearly not sprinting. You have to make gradual progress as per your current fitness level. You don't want to end up injuring yourself even before the running has started. So my advice is join some group. Some running group. It keeps you motivated to show up every day. Have a coach who can guide you for running related exercises as well, and the running techniques and form
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:18
I think that's what keeps so many people going and that's what has produced so many successful entrepreneurs or any person really out there who is successful in their chosen feed. I think these are some key qualities that they have in them and which they have cultivated in themselves with time. So, yes, this was really, really inspirational
