Krishna Aggarwal
@newone · 4:59

Golden steps to strengthen your mental health

Hey guys, today I have a four step golden formula for building our mind more stronger for building our mental health. So without wasting any further delay, let's get started. These days, mental health topics are trending too much. Plus, it is necessary to understand our mental health and building our mental health more stronger in today's world. So the golden formula is Time. Yes, time. Actually, Time is an acronym for four words. Those are Thankfulness Insight Meditation Exercise

#mentalhealth #awareness #healthylife

Krishna Aggarwal
@newone · 1:08

Join the mental health club on swell and let's encourage each other

So yeah there was a five minute limit in swell. So that's why I didn't speak very well about my club. So let me explain it to you again. So I am thinking to make challenges in that group like seven day challenge in which we all try to follow the time acronym and many more things we can try with the help of each other
You know, self CareCare is the new empowerment. While we grapple with the growing mental health crisis, it is high time that we prioritize selflove and selfcompassion. As most of the psychology studies, at least, selflove along with compassion is the key to strong mental health. Practicing self love is not about being self absorbed. It is like following a subtle way to get in touch with your inner self, your happiness and your well being. It is basically the act of looking after yourself both physically and mentally
