Anthony Coprich
@NeferuAnu67 · 0:31

#MyProfile | Anthony Coprich

Hi. My name is Neferu. I'm a single father of a 15 year old son. I work for mass transit. I write poetry. I'm a good listener and I give good advice. So if you have anything you want to get off your chest or just need someone to listen, give me a shout. You never know. Second opinion always helps


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:22

#welcome #poetry #sharing

Hey, nephew, thanks for joining and tuning in. I love kind of welcoming new people here to swell when I when I stumble onto their pages. So wanted to come on and just share some love, say welcome aboard. Looking forward to hearing some of your poetry and some of the discussions that I know are going to be epic, so feel free to invite me. And remember to use hashtags we'll call people in. I'll use a couple now. Looking forward to more from
Anthony Coprich
@NeferuAnu67 · 0:33


Hey. Good day. Gobstai dobste. I believe I pronounced your name correctly. I apologize if I didn't. Just want to say thank you very much for the introduction and the good words that you bestowed upon me. I'm going to do the best I can. I'm a little nervous, but I think this is something I should be doing because I do it in anyway around my friends and family. So here we go. Stay tuned and I'll definitely will invite you. Thanks again
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:20


Heck, yeah. I love to hear it. A little bit of nerves is good to feel right sometimes it's it's a blessing to feel that. I think it means you're on your the right path, because breaking through that can oftentimes lead to some great things. And if it doesn't, then you learn a little bit about yourself on the way. Right? So cheers to you, bro. And yeah. Dive, man. Dive, dive, dive
