@Mz_Shonda · 0:14

Did LeBron destroy the NBA?

Okay, so I just read a post that said LeBron James destroyed the NBA. True or false? What is your perspective?

#KingJames #TheGreatDebate

phil spade
@Phil · 3:12


Now, I certainly don't believe that LeBron has destroyed the NBA, and I don't know how you can say that anybody has destroyed the NBA over the past 50 years. Ever since Dr. J. Came on and kind of saved the NBA in the 70s, it's been on an upward trajectory from almost every metric that you could think of
@Mz_Shonda · 3:14


I think Janice made a good point in his speech to say that Jordan played for 15 seasons, but he only end up with six rings. So was the other nine years of failure? Nobody want to talk about that. Nobody want to say anything negative about Mike, and I have nothing negative to say about Mike. I watched basketball doing his error, loved him, was my favorite player, but this is a different era. In this era, LeBron is the best
