Aditi Kapoor
@MyCuratedTales · 4:55

Is bloodshed the only viable solution?

So I just thought I'll put it out across to you all that this is a war that will take time to get over and a war that will again take two to three years, particularly for Israel and Gaza, to come out of it, because what we see on television and what the reality beholds is totally different. So I thought I'd share what I feel about it

#war #israelhamas #innocentkilling

Yuvraj Jain
@yjain60 · 4:46
And let's see to it that it through our prayers and through our best, through our wishes, these things come to an end. Thank you so much. I hope you take care as well. Bye
ash dew
@ashdew · 1:42
Hi, Aditi. Yeah, I couldn't agree more. Bloodshed and war is never an answer. But I want to say this and I risk being called a biased person after I've said this, but I'm going to say it anyway. Men fight all the wars and women and children suffer the most. So I really don't get it. All the wars that have been fought in history have been fought by men and women, and children suffer the most
Aditi Kapoor
@MyCuratedTales · 0:56


Hi, Yuvraj. Good evening. Just heard your reply and let's hope things get better. And these atrocities just make you shiver like anything. And I truly resonate with your thought process. The least we can do is have gratitude in our mind that we are safe with our families, everything is going fine and our borders are secure thanks to our defense forces. That's all we can have gratitude about. And also feel for the people there
Aditi Kapoor
@MyCuratedTales · 1:58


So whatever has happened there definitely has been pre planned and they have been provided with all the necessary armaments and ammunition to go ahead. But truly killing people just out of nowhere is definitely not the solution. Let's not make life so cheap that you can take it anywhere. I hope that maturity comes in them and there is a consensus and this thing doesn't follow at all and peace is restored
Meenu Kaur
@tailored979 · 2:39
There's no one to look after them. What kind of future are we moving to? If bloodshed is the only solution, then there would have never been the language of understanding. I really don't know what's wrong with people. And why is it like how can someone be so cruel to attack someone who's looking exactly like me? Definitely bloodshed is not the only solution. The solution is like sitting, understanding and being compassionate about each other. That is what all we need to do
Aditi Kapoor
@MyCuratedTales · 1:58


I can only tell you that as how Israel is positioned on the world map, it's really difficult to mean each day is a test for them. So few radicals and a thought process that can influence people and can make them join such terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah is happening. They are targeting young men and they are influencing their mind. So definitely bloodshed is not the solution. I hope this thing is inculcated in schools. The idea of understanding, the idea compassion that we have to coexist
