Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:26

Making Request In Confidence Prt 1

You. Hello everyone. Our key verse today is First John 514 through 15. And this is the confidence that we have towards Him that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us and whatever we ask, we know that we have the request, that we have acts of Him topic making a request and confidence. What we as Christians must continue to do, if we don't do anything else, is pray every day

#confidence #prayer #bless #hear #listen #waiting

Debora Grandison


Studying the authority of the believer, knowing that the things that we desire, that we must ask for, and the things that we do not desire, the things that the enemy bring, we have the power and authority to rebuke them. So thank you so much for this inspiring message today. I'm looking forward to moving on to masterpiece part two. Have a beautiful, joyful day. Bye
@Royalcapability · 1:02

Yes and indeed

You? Absolutely. Thanks for the invite. I totally agree with you. The Bible says also to pray without ceasing. And I know a lot of us can't just go around praying every day while we're at work and doing different things. However, you can have a prayer in your heart, you have a prayer in your mind. He says to pray without ceasing. And you're absolutely right. The word does say accent
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 0:37


Hello. Sorry for replying back so late, but I do thank you for coming by and responding. And you write, it does take by fasting and other things contribute to a balanced lifestyle with Christ. And you're right, we all can't walk around and pray out loud at our jobs. We have to respect others. But you're right, we have to have it in our heart. And I just thank you for responding and contributing to this will
JJ Young
@MorningGlory · 1:45


You. Thank you for speaking about prayer today. I was reminded that just having God on your mind isn't praying. Praying is a conversation where you speak, god listens, and then God speaks and you listen. And just having Him on your mind is not a conversation. You're not telling him what you want, what you need, how wonderful he is, how magnificent he is. When you pray, have a conversation with God, the power of God is activated
Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 0:44


Hello. I'm sorry it took me a minute to get back to you. I pray that you're having a blessed day, and I'm glad the devotional touch you. And I hope and pray that you come back and speak. I really enjoyed what you were saying. And, yes, people forget that this is a relationship and we must allow God to speak to us. Not us just palling on a list of things we want him to do
