Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:40

Fading Away Part 1

We crave it because most of the time it satisfies an urge that we have, our longing that we miss when we crave for something, we would do all we can to have it in our life. But how far will we go to have what we crave? Will we lose our soul? Will you sacrifice your relationship with God wherever we crave? Our desire won't last long it will fade away. If you know his hobbies trends, they fade away

#Bible #God #Jesus #life #Fade #Joy #love #world

Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 1:14


And a lot of times we're so busy in our own head and our own situations that we forget that he will give us the desires, our heart if we just draw near to Him. And he's such an amazing God and I just love Him so much, and I love drawing near to his presence. I love coming home from my day and worshiping Him and praising Him and getting before Him and just pouring my all into Him and just waiting for his presence to enter into my room
