Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:22

Dont Let The Devil Press In On You Part 1

Verse Six so Delilah said to Samson, tell me the secret of your great strength and how you can be tied up and subdued I had a woman once told me that everything is spiritual. I didn't understand, but as I dealt with life and enemy pressed in, I have seen it. I have seen that everything has something to do with our spiritual life. We can't become soldiers by God, by not training. Our training starts with eating his word

#press #dirt #life #try #read #blessed

Donna Smith
@smittyrae2001 · 0:16
You. Amen. That was awesome. I needed that for what I was dealing with today. You are a great speaker, teacher. Keep doing what you're doing. I love it. And have a blessed evening. Hmm
Lorenzo Canamar
@Enzo_Can89 · 1:18

Thank you #YWHW #Jesus

In our times of trouble, in our times of weakness, it's very easy to lose focus and to allow our imperfection and allow our weaknesses to get the better of us, especially depending on the circumstance. Everyone is different. But with a firm foundation and with Scripture and with constant nourishment, we draw closer to God, learning about Jesus, learning about Him and how he handles things
