Penny Kauffman
@mspennyK · 0:35

#TellYourStory | Lines from a poem that I can never forget...

So I just made up this poem. I hope everyone likes it. Today is here, tomorrow's never promised yesterday is gone but never forgotten things happen for a reason no matter the season and all good things come to those who wait never does it hesitate green and blue and black and gray I'm always blessed for another day so remember today, pray for tomorrow learn from the past or have you forgotten? Thank you and have a great night

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp14 @arish

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:14
Hey, Penny. Well done. These are woven all like very important and valuable lessons, woven together seamlessly in a very catchy way. I think this is a skillful beyond mention. And just wanted to say that I appreciate you sharing your work
Penny Kauffman
@mspennyK · 0:06
Thank you so much for your reply. I greatly appreciate it
