Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:50

Twitter Chronicles: Man ghosts woman after he sees the amount of trash in her car

I don't know why we have such dirty, gross vehicles. But I understand why some men are, like, turned off by that. Because if the car looks like this, what does the house look like? If the car has all this trash and you're able to just step over it and drive every day and then add more to it by throwing more stuff in the floor, by letting more stuff accumulate and not throwing it away, what does the house look like?

#men #women #relationships #dating

Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 2:44


It's like you're not going to meet someone for the first time in, like, your pajamas or like, if you haven't taken a shower in two, three days, unless you just either really don't respect them or you're trying to send a message. You see? I'm saying, like, so. And that's the other thing you'd have to think to yourself, is this woman trying to communicate with me? Is she in danger? Like, I would
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:40


We don't care if men see us looking like, you know, unfashionable. We don't care if men see us in bonnets. We don't care if men see us at the store in house shoes and. And pajama pants. We don't care if men see us with our hair not done. We don't care if men see us and we haven't taken a shower. We don't care if men see our houses looking dirty and messy. Our car is looking dirty and messy
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:33
I'm thinking to myself, what happened to the guys where their cars were pristine inside and out, and it's like another cat. Oh, yes. So one of my homeboys who, man, listen, he killed me because he had got a new car. So his old car used to be a lot of trash. I'm talking about, you would have to move stuff out the way. Just a place for your feet to be. Okay
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:46


He was working on oil furnaces back then, and so the dirt from working on people's furnaces, the dirt from his clothes, the dirt from the equipment he was using, it would be really dirty in his van. But, yeah, I just couldn't imagine pulling up to a guy I like, and I got, like, garbage bags of stuff in my car. Even if I am moving, like, at least let me explain to them first. All right
Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 4:53


A lot of them were like these because the demand of their life as Willis trying to be a woman was just too much. So they just started letting go of the, like, certain aspects of femininity that they thought men cared about. But I started seeing men not care about it. That's when it got strange. I started seeing men not care about being weak, brutish, brash, harsh, generally hostile, and you know, cognitively dominant
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:39
So now, this particular post, the woman probably was in between moving, moving from one place to another, because we have a friend who always keeps her van clean like she always keeps it clean. And so when we saw it was cluttered one day, we knew it was probably just one of those off times. And she told us that she's moving items from place to place. And so it makes sense, you know, sometimes we have to hear people out, hear their story out
