Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 6:00

Was Daycare Originally Intended for Single Moms?

But I think that for some families, they facilitate staying home with the children, not out of privilege, but more so out of sacrifice. What are we willing to do without in order to create this environment for our children? Where mom stays home, she schools the children, she nourishes the children, she takes care of the home, and she's able to teach her children and be able to monitor and have autonomy in their education and the path they take there


Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 5:00

Taking my xhild to daycare is like being hit by a fast moving train! Are moms projecting unto their children their cry for help! #Accountability

Can single moms still have dreams and live on purpose? That's a great question. Can we have dreams and live on purpose to get out of the generational poverty and move to the next level? Taking your child to daycare is like being hit by a train. But that is from the mom's perspective. What are the kids doing in daycare? Mother detachment. Is this about mother's care? The environment
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:28
Hey, Tanya. So was daycare created for single moms? I would probably guess yes. And I only say that because traditionally not only did moms stay home and watch the kids, but there was also both sets of grandparents that would help out with the kids, too. And so that's kind of been what we've done been probably, like the video said, up until the last three generations
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:12


Hey, sis, thank you so much for your response. Like you, I did not go to daycare either. Our grandmother kept us, me and my sister and our cousins on my dad's side. We were all around the same age, and so she would keep us. We went to preschool at four. And like you said, it was just part time, just in the morning for a couple of hours and you go back home and he in kindergarten
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:07


So, yeah, I'm sure that there's guilt on the part of the mother for having to do this, but then the child, especially when you've had a long maternity leave, you've spent all those hours bonding with your baby in the middle of the night, in the middle of the day, taking naps together
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 4:15
I just care that my kids get the proper care, education and love and respect that they deserve. That's what I care about. So thank you for presenting this
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:44
So just trying to clear up what I said. Thank you. And then the second job that I had where the lady left my child in feces all day I worked for the police station, and I didn't get off work till 1130 at night. So as you can see, from the 03:00 hour to about twelve midnight, I needed something
