Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:44

Company has had openings for 4 years but only 12 applicants.

It's just amazing to me that in this economy, because everything is so expensive, you would think that would drive people to get jobs because it's like, Dang, cost of living is going up and I need more money to make the same ends meet. So you would think that people will go out here and get jobs, but at the same time, being somebody who is college educated, I know that a lot of these jobs aren't paying people what they're really worth

Hiring has become a STRUGGLE for most business #work #employment #jobs #hiring

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:56
Unfortunately, since that has happened in the staffing industry, we've seen that it just hasn't recovered. Now, I saw, I think it was 911, right after 911, people weren't really wanting to go to work, right? And there were a lot of jobs, and there's kind of this cycle, so it's an employer's market where there's a lot of employees but not enough jobs
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:18
Tanya. Hi, Tanya. Thanks for sharing. That was very interesting to know. I did not know fully to the extent that employers, the trouble they were having finding people that they can hire. I used to see a lot of we're now hiring signs just about everywhere we went. And not only did I see the signs, but I experienced longer lines and less checkout stands open and what have you, less servers. But I haven't noticed it lately
