Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:36

Gyms Need to Ban Video/Filming 🎥📱📸

And once upon a time, you didn't really have to worry about anybody recording while folks were working out. But now we're in the age of social media where people are either trying to become fitness influencers or they are trying to grow their brands, get more visibility to themselves, whatever the situation is, vanity, whatever

#gym #fitness #video #socialmedia

LaShekia Chatman
@Sheika_MC · 3:13
Hi Ms. Coles, another great topic. And the irony of you saying this so I hate the gym until I'm inside. I put on that music. I'm acting a fool on whatever machine is doing whatever 40% or more. I'm on the struggle bus. Really. I hate machines for a reason. I love a dance class, but the treadmill and the bikes
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 3:07

@MsColes77 Hard doesn't mean Impossible #alternative #valuation #community #access

It's such a great topic. However, respectfully, I disagree. We live in a world where, as you noted, not necessarily that social media is just driving this, but generally, I think transparency and visibility in our lives is on the rise. And I think that social media helps to propel that. But I don't think it's the only driving force or source here. And to your point, the logistics of it, yes, definitely seem hard to navigate
Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 2:58
Well, in my opinion, if you post a video of yourself at the gym working out, trying to point out people looking at you as problematic, well, then maybe you're just entitled. It's not like they're bothering her. They're simply glancing over. No. If a guy's following you around and trying to or be creepy, not just looking, yeah, that's the problem
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:47


And so walking through a gym, I've never experienced it or seen it personally, but I do have friends who have experienced being stared at, being mocked because they're overweight, being laughed at because they're overweight, and they're trying to work out with all the quote unquote fit people. And that's one of the reasons why I'm, like, anti videoing in a gym is because I've seen the videos of people being mocked because they're using machines incorrectly
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:50


Hi, Natasha. Thank you so much for your response. I hear everything that you're saying, but I can still see some problems in doing some of these things. I believe that if Jim's really felt that this was a direction they should move in, you're seeing all these people filming themselves. Okay, so maybe we need to add that to our business model
