Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:52

91 and Still Working?

But we don't want to see our elderly in the workforce because they have to. Fighting through physical ailments and just general old age, trying to do a job that the people around them are doing, who are 30 to 40 to 50 years younger. And so what does the future hold for our elderly, those that are 70 and up? What does the future hold for them? Will they be able to comfortably retire and still live well?

#work #career #tetirement #age #ageism #elderly #workforce

Christine Grimm
@ChristineGrimm · 4:01

@MsColes77 #newwaysofworking

So I do think we're going to have some people who don't actually want to full stop retire the way we've thought about it in the past. But I think you bring up a very, very important part of this conversation that, like I think you mentioned and you are very articulate about it, which is many people will not be able to financially retire. I don't even know what it means to have a comfortable retirement for most people anymore. I haven't looked at those numbers
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:59


I still have 20 plus years left in the workforce, technically, and so what is that going to look like for me? So, yes, when we plan retirement, we can't bank on Social Security being a supplement to our pensions and our 401 and all these other things. We really do have to be a little bit more strategic nowadays in how we plan for our retirement. So thank you so much. That was such a great response
